孙凤云 博士/副研究员 Ph.D. Associate Professor Fengyun SUN


孙凤云 Fengyun SUN

副研究员(Associate Professor






Email: fysun@shnu.edu.cn


  1. 主持,基于极端事件降尺度与陆气耦合模拟的长江流域非一致洪水风险预估及不确定性归因(42007417),国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2021.01-2023.12.

  2. 主持,变化环境下长江流域洪水时空动态预估与高风险区域识别(2019M661422),博士后科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2021.12.

  3. 主持,基于多源公众感知的城市绿地生态系统服务社会价值空间量化(SHUES2019B04),上海城市生态重点实验室开放课题,2019.05-2020.12.

  4. 主持,基于分布式模拟的长江流域水资源管理慧型决策系统构建(SHUES2015B02),上海城市生态重点实验室开放课题,2015.05-2017.12.

  5. 参与,金泽水源地水质特征研究与风险评估(2017ZX07207),水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项, 2017.01-2020.06.

  6. 参与,城市化地区生态演变过程、格局及其驱动机制(2017YFC0505701),科技部国家重点研发计划,2017.07-2020.12.


  • 2019.12,华东师范大学博士后A类激励计划

  • 2016.11,全国研究生数学建模大赛一等奖 (获奖比例1.69%)

  • 2016.05,建设国家高水平大学研究生项目奖学金

  • 2013.11,硕士研究生国家奖学金

  • 2012.05,中国科学院大学优秀学生干部

  • 2011.05,辽宁省挑战杯大学生科技竞赛一等奖


  1. Sun, F., Zhao, H., Deng, L., Liu, Y., Cheng, R., Che, Y.* Characterizing the warming effect of increasing temperatures on land surface temperature change, heat pattern dynamics and thermal sensitivity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 70: 102904.

  2. Sun, F., Mejia, A., Sharma, S., Zeng, P., Che, Y.* Evaluating the credibility of downscaling: Integrating scale, trend, extreme, and climate event into a diagnostic framework, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2020, 59(9): 1453-1467.

  3. Sun, F., Liu, M., Wang, Y.*, Wang, H., Che, Y.* The effects of 3D architectural patterns on the urban surface temperature at a neighborhood scale: Relative contributions and marginal effects, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 258:120706.

  4. Sun, F., Mejia, A., Che, Y.* Disentangling the contributions of climate and basin characteristics to water yield across spatial and temporal scales in the Yangtze River Basin: A combined hydrological model and boosted regression approach, Water Resources Management, 2019, 33(10): 3449-3468.

  5. Sun, F., Mejia, A., Zeng, P., Che, Y.* Projecting meteorological, hydrological and agricultural droughts for the Yangtze River basin, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 696: 134076.

  6. Sun, F., Xiang, J., Tao, Y., Tong, C., Che, Y.* Mapping the social values for ecosystem services in urban green spaces: Integrating a visitor-employed photography method into SolVES, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019, 38: 105-113.

  7. Sun‚ F.‚ Kuang, W.‚ Xiang, W.,Che‚ Y.* Mapping water vulnerability of the Yangtze River Basin: 1994-2013‚ Environmental Management‚ 2016, 58(5):857-872.

  8. Zeng, P., Sun, F.*(通讯), Liu, Y., Che, Y. Future river basin health assessment through reliability-resilience-vulnerability: Thresholds of multiple dryness conditions, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741:140395.

  9. Zeng, P., Sun, F.*(共同通讯), Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, G., Che, Y.* Mapping future droughts under global warming across China: A combined multi-timescale meteorological drought index and SOM-Kmeans approach, Weather and Climate Extremes, 2021, 31: 100304.

  10. Feng, H., Sun, F.*(共同通讯), Liu, Y., Zeng, P., Deng, L., Che, Y.* Mapping multiple water pollutants across China using the grey water footprint, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 785, 147255.

  11. Tian T., Sun, L., Peng, S., Sun, F.*(共同通讯), Che, Y.* Understanding the process from perception to cultural ecosystem services assessment by comparing valuation methods, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021, 57: 126945.

  12. Deng, L., Cai, L., Sun, F., Li, G., Che, Y.* Public attitudes towards microplastics: perceptions, behaviors and policy implications, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2020, 163: 105096.

  13. Siddique R., Karmalkar A., Sun F., Wu C., Palmer R. Hydrological extremes across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in a changing climate. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2020, 32, 100733.

  14. Jovanovic, T., Sun F., Mahjabin T., Mejia A. Disentangling the effects of climate and urban growth on streamflow for sustainable urban development: A stochastic approach to flow regime attribution. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2018, 177, 160-170.

  15. Zhang S., Fang C, Kuang W., Sun F. Comparison of changes in urban land Use/cover and efficiency of megaregions in China from 1980 to 2015, Remote Sensing, 2020, 11(15),1834.

  16. Shen, Y., Sun, F., Che, Y.* Public green spaces and human wellbeing: Mapping the spatial inequity and mismatching status of public green space in the Central City of Shanghai, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017, 27: 59-68.

  17. Liu M., Xu Y, Hu Y, Li C., Sun F., Chen T. A Century of the evolution of the urban area in Shenyang, China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(6), e98847.

  18. 孙凤云,邓灵稚,董芊芊, 孟醒,车越. 2021. 基于增强回归树与区域增温敏感度指数的城市升温效应空间分异研究. 生态学报. 录用.

  19. 孙凤云, 刘淼, 胡远满, 李俊英, 李春林, 陈探. 2013. 基于多种方法的景观格局动态变化综合分析以辽宁铁岭市为例. 生态学杂志, 32(8), 2163-2171.

  20. 孙凤云, 李俊英, 史萌, 谷清媛, 梁亚男, 姚鹏. 2010. 城市公园林缘景观美学质量评价. 沈阳农业大学学报, 41(6), 736-739.

  21. 刘垚燚,曾鹏,张然,孙凤云*(通讯),车越. 2020. 基于GEEBRT的长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区植被覆盖度变化研究:1984-2019. 应用生态学报. 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202103.011.




担任Environmental Impact Assessment ReviewJournal of Environmental ManagementScience of the Total EnvironmentUrban Forestry & Urban GreeningWater Resources Management等学术期刊审稿人。